Wednesday, October 14, 2009

American Revolution and the Book of Mormon

I think that people try entirely to hard to discredit Joseph Smith, and consequently the Book of Mormon. People who look to criticize and discredit will always find something to rag on, even if their arguments don’t really make sense. Such as the one that says since there are political sentiments in the Book of Mormon that are comparable to the time period Joseph Smith lived in, he must have copied from them. This is absolutely absurd. The Nephites experienced the best reforms in their society when they were under the instruction of a prophet. The United States of America was in fact created as a nation with the help of God, in order to create a political climate in which freedom of religion and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon would be possible. These kind of political ideals exist in all societies that are living righteously with the help of God.
Another point that makes it clear that Joseph Smith did not invent the Book of Mormon is the issue of Kings. The attitudes of the Nephite people towards Kings are very different than the attitudes that would have been prominent during Joseph Smith’s times. In Joseph Smith’s time period, the people had just gotten rid of a tyrannical King and had no wish to ever be under a King’s rule again. Whereas in the Book of Mormon times, the people literally created King’s for themselves and did not know what to do without a King to rule over them. Even when they first arrived in the New World they straight away asked Nephi to be their King. This is very different than the mindset of the people during Joseph Smith’s time.
A third point to consider is that most all of the principles associated with the American Constitution are disregarded altogether. All of the checks and balances instituted by the founding fathers to check the government are completely missing. Separation of Powers was simply not heard of in Book of Mormon times. They had a chief judge who was a judge, and an executive legislator all rolled into one. He also made laws. In conclusion, I think that it is really futile to try and discredit the book of Mormon in comparing it to the political mindset of Joseph Smith’s era. Clearly the politics at that time and during the Book of Mormon’s time are very different. The Book of Mormon peoples were just like other ancient civilizations, very dependent on Kings and not sure what other types of governments there could be. It was only after God opened the minds of the Founding Fathers and inspired them about another type of government that this type of freedom occurred. The Book of Mormon stands as a witness itself that Joseph Smith could never have invented the things that are found in it. It was truly a work inspired of God, and anyone that tries to discredit or defame it is really just wasting all of their time.

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